
Showing posts from April, 2022

9 Reasons Why Dentists Highly Recommend Water Flossers

Many people think that  dentists recommend water flossers  because they make a lot of money off them. This is not the case. In fact, studies show that dentists are among the top percentage of Americans with the most debt when it comes to student loans! It’s true, many other health professionals have an easier time paying back their loans, but dentists have it rough. So why do they still recommend water flossers? Let’s take a look at the top 9 reasons: 1) Water Flossers Are Effective One of the main reasons dentists recommend water flossers is because they are simply effective. They are able to remove plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums in a way that traditional brushing and flossing cannot. Water flossers, also known as oral irrigators, are a popular method of keeping teeth and gums healthy. These devices use a stream of water to remove plaque and food debris from teeth and gums, and they have been shown to be more effective than traditional string flossing in reducing gum disease

4 Best Travel Water Flossers in 2022

Brushing alone won’t get rid of all of the food particles and bacteria lurking in and around your teeth. It is reported that only 30% of Americans use dental floss daily after brushing. If you’re planning to travel and looking to  improve your oral health , but find using dental floss difficult and time-consuming, consider using a water flosser instead. There are plenty of travel-friendly models on the market that you can even take with you when you go on a business trip or family vacation. How to Choose a Travel Water Flosser? Light Weight and Compact:  Look for a travel water flosser that is lightweight and compact, so you’ll be able to toss it in your carry-on bag. Some models are fully collapsible. The upper portion of these flossers can slide down into or screw onto the handle when not in use. Battery Durability:  You’ll need to check the capacity of the rechargeable lithium battery. Believe it or not, there are travel water flossers that reach a full charge in just a few hours. T

Why Do Travelers Need a Water Flosser

  Do you get gum bleeding during your trip? Do you feel your teeth ache after a hard beef meal when you are in Asia? Please bring a travel pack water flosser   BINICARE FLOSSTRA  when you travel.   Maintain Tooth Healthy The pressure in travel can easily cause gum bleeding or inflammation, please use a water flosser to flush away all the bacteria on your gum. If you have wisdom teeth that are hard to reach, use a water flosser to clean them regularly then you can get food debris free in the journey.   Keep Fresh Breath  You can understand how your breath will be after a 9-hour of international flight. A portable water flosser can not only take away some food remains which bring a strange smell but also can clean your tongue where always some bacteria mixing with food. Ease Rhinitis Problem 1/6 of people in the world have the rhinitis issue. So when you travel to a strange place where the temperature, air and latitude are all different. The Sneezing and Runny Nose will start easily. The

Why Is Binicare Flosstra Perfect For Travel

As a teeth implanter, I am using a water flosser for 5 years. My first one is an expensive water flosser, it really helps me a lot in the very beginning. Then I became a frequent traveler since I was promoted to a sales manager 2 years ago. I realized I have to choose another water flosser for my travel purpose. Then I bought Binicare Flosstra. The reason I like   Binicare flosstra  is its strong travel spirit(Flosser+travel). It has so many advantages for traveling.   Elegant and Small Size The total height in the storage state is 6.3 inches, and the total height of the water flosser with the tank (excluding the nozzle) is 10.7 inches. And it's around 2.2 inches in diameter. So it can sit very quietly in the corner of your hand package. Fully Protection Shell Binicare  Flosstra  has a very delicate design. The whole body of the machine is perfectly covered by the hollow water tank when it is in storage mode. The water tank can be extracted out and screwed back when you use it. In

What Kind of Teeth Problem Need A Water Flosser

The  water flosser  is really a good helper to maintain our oral health. We highly suggest using a water flosser when you have the teeth issue as follows: Gum Issue Gingivitis  and gum disease are the main issue for our teeth on the gum. As gum is the seat of teeth. It will end up like teeth lost if we do not protect our gum properly. It will be perfect to use a water flosser to clean the gum to avoid inflammation. And it will never be too hard compared to the dental flosser which causes pain and bleeding. can really clean your cum and would not be that hard. Wisdom Teeth and Teeth Implant If you have wisdom teeth, it may be very difficult to get dental floss in between them. If you are getting a teeth implant near these wisdom teeth. Then things will go even worse as there will be a  bigger space between the implant and the wisdom teeth. So the food remains always stay there. You need to floss them every time after the meal. In this way, if you have a portable binicare  flos s tra   y

How Do You Make Your Fresh Breath during the Journey

Even when you take a flight for 2 hours, you do breathe like eating an old fish. Sometimes you dare not open your mouth to someone who picks you up at the airport. So here are some tips on  how to maintain a fresh breath    during your trip. Eat Health Food Eat green vegetables and fresh fruit rich in Vitamin C. Try to avoid meat if you are on the way. Stay Hydrated Drinking adequate amounts of water can also affect the smell of your breath. Water is needed to provide liquid for adequate saliva production. In addition, as you drink water, it rinses away leftover food particles and oral bacteria that may be residing in your mouth. Brush and Floss Try to take pocket-sized toothbrushes and small toothpaste packets for longer flights. Also, there are some potable travel-type water flossers such as   BINIC flosstra . It is a handful but can clean your tooth debris efficiently. Only brushing teeth couldn't remove plaque thoroughly in between your teeth. The water flosser is an ideal supp

7 Items You Must Bring for Your Travel in 2022

People are all expecting 2022 summer as their summer holiday. Many countries and tourist sites will be reopened. We will make some recommendations for the journey in the 2022 summer. Face Mask Yes, you do need a mask during your flight or train travel during this Covid 19 period. Also in some public places mask are still mandatory. Better wear an N95 mask grade (or FFP2 in Europe) when you travel. Portable Hand Gel You need a portable hand gel to make your hand free of viruses during travel. but make sure not more than 100ml before you bring them on air. Teeth Clean Pack Except for toothbrushes, we highly suggest a portable   water flosser , like   binicare flosstra . which is easy to use when you are on an airplane or hotel. You can flush always any debris to avoid toothache and make you fresh breath. Multi-Tools What if the screw in your eyeglasses comes loose? Multitool will fix it. What about a hangnail? Multitool will trim that bad boy right back.   First Aid Kit It is easy to cat

Does Hotel Have Free Teeth Care Products?

It is a very interesting topic. In most parts of the world like the USA or Europe, there is no toothbrush or paste in the hotel room. But in China, you can get free one dose no matter is one star or five-star hotel. They all provide toothbrushes and paste in the room. I think this sharp difference is not only an environment concerning issue but also a kind of mentality difference. Do you need free  teeth care products  when traveling? Most people consider  brushing teeth  to be a very private matter. It is very rude if something contaminated with your saliva is exposed in public. Even in some hotels, you will get a penalty if you lost your private toothbrush in the hotel. In China, The social distance is not so big. Imagine they have a large population living together, in some schools, you can still see hundreds of students brushing their teeth together in a public washing room. In ancient china, normal people were forbidden to move freely. The government officers, mailmen, and appoint

6 Dental Tips on Long Haul Flight Traveling

Most of the country now start re open again for this covid impact. Now people have the chances to restart the travel again, some people will visit their international partners, some people are excited to prepare their summer vacation in other country. People are expecting to take their long-time air travel again. So here are some dental tips how you maintain your teeth healthy during those long-time flight.  Visit your dentist before buckle up Please visit your dentist to identify any potential problem can cause pain the bleeding of your teeth. Better make an appointment before you go. Bring your tooth brush and stock properly Make sure to bring your toothbrush and paste easy to reach when you are in the cabin. Make sure the tooth brush is dry before you pack it. There are also single-use mini-brushes available for travelers that come loaded with paste and ready to use without any water at all. If you take flight from LA to Australia, you need at least twice time to brush your teeth. B

Can a Water Flosser Remove Plaque and Tartar?

Introduction  Food is one of the most important needs of man and we really cannot do without eating. Food consumed leaves particles that stick to the mouth to form plaque. Plaques contain bacteria and harmful microorganisms that are harmful to the gum and teeth. This bacteria would cause bad breath and tooth decay due to the acidic content released.  The need to remove the food particles before they develop into plaque and tartar is a great concern since the use of a toothbrush hasn't been effective in removing all the food particles, especially in tight teeth areas. Give apt attention to your teeth by brushing properly and  flossing your teeth   at least twice a day. The use of advanced cordless flossers has raised questions on weighing the possibilities of how effective a water flosser can be in removing Plaque and Tartar. In this article, you will learn about how effective a water flosser is and how to use it in Tartar, and plaque removal. What Are Plaque and Tartar? The teeth i

If Flossing Increases the Gap in the Teeth, Why Do Dentists Recommend It?

At the point when you go to the dental specialist for a little while, you'll very likely be posed a similar inquiry: "Are you flossing routinely?" The response isn't consistently yes for some patients. Many individuals clean their teeth two times each day, as suggested by the American Dental Association (ADA), yet just a minuscule level of individuals floss all things considered one time per day. What many individuals don't understand is that this stage is critical to tooth wellbeing and   dental hygiene . What Is Flossing? Floss or Flosser is an interdental cleaner, aside from a toothbrush, which channels the upper and external region of the gums and teeth. It's made to clean the tight places between the teeth and the hole between both the gums and the tip of the teeth. This interaction is called flossing. However, compared with traditional floss,  cordless water flossers  seem more efficient and convenient. There a toothbrush can not be reached. A developing